Малайзийская биржа. Малайзийская биржа
Малайзийская биржа - это... Что такое Малайзийская биржа?
Малайзийская биржа | |
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• Фондовая биржа Малайзии• Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура | |
Малайзийский ринггит | |
325,3 млрд долларов США | |
986 | |
KLCI | |
www.bursamalaysia.com |
Малайзийская биржа (Bursa Malaysia, KLSE) — ведущая фондовая биржа Малайзии.
Осуществляет торги акциями, облигациями, фьючерсами, опционами, валютой. Образована в 1964 году и изначально называлась «Фондовая биржа Малайзии» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia). После отделения Сингапура от Малайзии в 1965 году стала называться «Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore). В 1973 году биржа разделилась на Сингапурскую фондовую биржу (Stock Exchange of Singapore, SES) и Фондовую биржу Куала-Лумпур (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, KLSEB). В 2004 году была акционирована и вскоре переименована в Bursa Malaysia. Более половины акций принадлежат государству.Биржа входит в Федерацию фондовых бирж Азии и Океании. [1]
Биржевые индексы
Основной индекс: KLCI (Kuala Lumpur Composite Index) — отражает состояние акций 100 крупнейших компаний на бирже.
См. также
- Компании, имеющие листинг акций на Малайзийской бирже
- ↑ http://www.aosef.org/ Официальный сайт Федерации фондовых бирж Азии и Океании
AMMB · Axiata · BAT Malaysia · CIMB Group · DIGI.COM · Genting · Genting Malaysia · Hong Leong Bank · Hong Leong Financial Group · IOI Corporation · KL Kepong · Malayan Banking · Malaysia Airlines · Maxis · MISC · MMC Corporation · Nestle Malaysia · PPB · Petronas Dagangan · Petronas Gas · PLUS Expressways · Public Bank · RHB Capital · Sime Darby · Tanjong · Telekom Malaysia · Tenaga Nasional · UMW · YTL Corporation · YTL Power International |
Малайзийская биржа Википедия
Малайзийская биржа | |
![]() | |
• Фондовая биржа Малайзии • Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура | |
Малайзийский ринггит | |
325,3 млрд долларов США | |
986 | |
KLCI | |
www.bursamalaysia.com |
Малайзийская биржа (Bursa Malaysia, KLSE) — ведущая фондовая биржа Малайзии. Осуществляет торги акциями, облигациями, фьючерсами, опционами, валютой. Образована в 1964 году и изначально называлась «Фондовая биржа Малайзии» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia). После отделения Сингапура от Малайзии в 1965 году стала называться «Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore). В 1973 году биржа разделилась на Сингапурскую фондовую биржу и Фондовую биржу Куала-Лумпур (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, KLSEB). В 2004 году была акционирована и вскоре переименована в Bursa Malaysia. Более половины акций принадлежат государству.
Биржа входит в Федерацию фондовых бирж Азии и Океании[1].
Биржевые индексы
Основной фондовый индекс: KLCI (Kuala Lumpur Composite Index) — отражает состояние акций 100 крупнейших компаний на бирже.
- Официальный сайт биржи
- ↑ Официальный сайт Федерации фондовых бирж Азии и Океании
Малайзийская биржа — Википедия (с комментариями)
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Малайзийская биржа | |
| |
• Фондовая биржа Малайзии • Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура | |
Малайзийский ринггит | |
325,3 млрд долларов США | |
986 | |
KLCI | |
[www.bursamalaysia.com/ www.bursamalaysia.com] |
Малайзийская биржа (Bursa Malaysia, KLSE) — ведущая фондовая биржа Малайзии. Осуществляет торги акциями, облигациями, фьючерсами, опционами, валютой. Образована в 1964 году и изначально называлась «Фондовая биржа Малайзии» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia). После отделения Сингапура от Малайзии в 1965 году стала называться «Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore). В 1973 году биржа разделилась на Сингапурскую фондовую биржу (Stock Exchange of Singapore, SES) и Фондовую биржу Куала-Лумпур (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, KLSEB). В 2004 году была акционирована и вскоре переименована в Bursa Malaysia. Более половины акций принадлежат государству.
Биржа входит в Федерацию фондовых бирж Азии и Океании. [1]
Биржевые индексы
Основной индекс: KLCI (Kuala Lumpur Composite Index) — отражает состояние акций 100 крупнейших компаний на бирже.
Напишите отзыв о статье "Малайзийская биржа"
- [www.bursamalaysia.com/ Официальный сайт биржи]
- ↑ www.aosef.org/ Официальный сайт Федерации фондовых бирж Азии и Океании
Отрывок, характеризующий Малайзийская биржа
За обедом в этот день на слова Десаля, говорившего о том, что, как слышно, французы уже вступили в Витебск, старый князь вспомнил о письме князя Андрея. – Получил от князя Андрея нынче, – сказал он княжне Марье, – не читала? – Нет, mon pere, [батюшка] – испуганно отвечала княжна. Она не могла читать письма, про получение которого она даже и не слышала. – Он пишет про войну про эту, – сказал князь с той сделавшейся ему привычной, презрительной улыбкой, с которой он говорил всегда про настоящую войну. – Должно быть, очень интересно, – сказал Десаль. – Князь в состоянии знать… – Ах, очень интересно! – сказала m llе Bourienne. – Подите принесите мне, – обратился старый князь к m llе Bourienne. – Вы знаете, на маленьком столе под пресс папье. M lle Bourienne радостно вскочила. – Ах нет, – нахмурившись, крикнул он. – Поди ты, Михаил Иваныч. Михаил Иваныч встал и пошел в кабинет. Но только что он вышел, старый князь, беспокойно оглядывавшийся, бросил салфетку и пошел сам. – Ничего то не умеют, все перепутают. Пока он ходил, княжна Марья, Десаль, m lle Bourienne и даже Николушка молча переглядывались. Старый князь вернулся поспешным шагом, сопутствуемый Михаилом Иванычем, с письмом и планом, которые он, не давая никому читать во время обеда, положил подле себя. Перейдя в гостиную, он передал письмо княжне Марье и, разложив пред собой план новой постройки, на который он устремил глаза, приказал ей читать вслух. Прочтя письмо, княжна Марья вопросительно взглянула на отца. Он смотрел на план, очевидно, погруженный в свои мысли. – Что вы об этом думаете, князь? – позволил себе Десаль обратиться с вопросом.wiki-org.ru
Малайзийский ринггит | ||||
325,3 млрд долларов США | ||||
986 | ||||
KLCI | ||||
wwwbursamalaysiacom |
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Малайзийская фондовая биржа - KLSE
Фондовая биржа Малайзии KLSE является лидером инвестиционного рынка этой страны и осуществляет торговлю не только классическим инструментами, такими как акции и облигации, но и международными валютами, опционными продуктами, фьючерсами. Поскольку это одно из главных финансовых учреждений страны, его деятельность регулируется законодательством государства.
Отсчет деятельности компании ведется с 1964 года. Первоначально бренд носил название «Фондовая биржа Малайзии», но в результате выхода Сингапура из состава страны, она разделилась на две независимые компании. В 2004 году биржа стала акционерной компанией, причем больше половины акций находится в собственности государства. Является членом Федерации фондовых бирж азиатского региона и Океании.
Главное здание биржи находится в городе Куала-Лумпуре. Показатель капитализации компании составляет около 300 млрд. долларов. В списке 986 эмитентов биржи представлены преимущественно малазийские бренды, но имеются и зарубежные корпорации. Ведущий индекс биржи KLCI является показателем состояния акций сотни крупнейших эмитентов. Несмотря на то, что фондовый рынок Малайзии находится на стадии развития, при заключении сделок используются самые современные технические средства и программное обеспечение.
Особенности Малайзийской биржи
По версии ряда авторитетных изданий KLSE входит в тридцатку ведущих бирж мира, поэтому среди частных инвесторов ее популярность стремительно набирает обороты.
- Рост экономики Малайзии. Страна входит в список развивающихся государств с наиболее высокими темпами роста основных экономических показателей. Ряд кризисных моментов, связанных со снижением ВВП практически полностью преодолен благодаря грамотным мерам со стороны правительства. Положительные изменения сопровождались увеличением доли экспорта продукции, преимущественно электроники. Заметно снизилась инфляция и страна находится на уровне, превосходящем кризисный период.
- Перспективные компании. В экономике Малайзии первостепенную роль играет высокоточное промышленное производство, важность которого в последнее десятилетие существенно возросла. Кроме того, в стране действует надежная банковская система с мировым авторитетом, находится целый ряд крупных добывающих предприятий.
- Слабая зависимость от политического фактора. Обстановка на международной арене наиболее всего влияет на крупных игроков, относящихся к американскому и европейскому рынку. KLSE и ее работа в большей степени защищены от мировых политических процессов.
- Регулярное обновление инструментов. Биржа работает над увеличением разнообразия и качества предлагаемых инвестиционных активов. Например, в 2015 году были введены первые опционы на азиатские аграрные сделки.
- Надежность инвестиций. Экономика Малайзии находится под жестким контролем государственных органов, с обязательным планированием развития на среднесрочную и долгосрочную перспективу.
В ближайшие годы на бирже KLSE ожидается приток инвесторов, поскольку самые влиятельные финансисты мира прогнозируют существенный рост ВВП в стране и переход ее в класс развитых после 2020 года.
Малайзийская биржа Вики
Малайзийская биржа | |
![]() | |
• Фондовая биржа Малайзии • Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура | |
Малайзийский ринггит | |
325,3 млрд долларов США | |
986 | |
KLCI | |
www.bursamalaysia.com |
Малайзийская биржа (Bursa Malaysia, KLSE) — ведущая фондовая биржа Малайзии. Осуществляет торги акциями, облигациями, фьючерсами, опционами, валютой. Образована в 1964 году и изначально называлась «Фондовая биржа Малайзии» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia). После отделения Сингапура от Малайзии в 1965 году стала называться «Фондовая биржа Малайзии и Сингапура» (Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore). В 1973 году биржа разделилась на Сингапурскую фондовую биржу и Фондовую биржу Куала-Лумпур (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, KLSEB). В 2004 году была акционирована и вскоре переименована в Bursa Malaysia. Более половины акций принадлежат государству.
Биржа входит в Федерацию фондовых бирж Азии и Океании[1].
Биржевые индексы[ | код]
Основной фондовый индекс: KLCI (Kuala Lumpur Composite Index) — отражает состояние акций 100 крупнейших компаний на бирже.
Ссылки[ | код]
- Официальный сайт биржи
Примечания[ | код]
- ↑ Официальный сайт Федерации фондовых бирж Азии и Океании
Малайзийская биржа - WikiVisually
1. Малайзийский ринггит – The Malaysian ringgit is the currency of Malaysia. It is divided into 100 sen, the ringgit is issued by the Bank Negara Malaysia. In modern usage ringgit is used almost solely for the currency, to differentiate between the three currencies, the Malaysian currency is referred to as Ringgit Malaysia, hence the official abbreviation and currency symbol RM. Internationally, the ISO4217 currency code for Malaysian ringgit is MYR, the Malay names ringgit and sen were officially adopted as the sole official names in August 1975. Previously they had been known officially as dollars and cents in English and ringgit and sen in Malay, in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia, denominations of 10 sen are called kupang in Malay, e. g.50 sen is 5 kupang. On 12 June 1967, the Malaysian dollar, issued by the new bank, Bank Negara Malaysia, replaced the Malaya. The new currency retained all denominations of its predecessor except the $10,000 denomination, and also brought over the colour schemes of the old dollar. In November 1967, five months after the introduction of the Malaysian dollar and this ended on 8 May 1973, when the Malaysian government withdrew from the agreement. The Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Brunei Currency and Monetary Board still maintain the interchangeability of their two currencies, as of 2009, in 1993, the currency symbol RM was introduced to replace the use of the dollar sign $. US$130 and RM1,000 worth of US$260. Despite these measures, the ringgit lost 50% of its value against the US dollar between 1997 and 1998, and suffered general depreciation against other currencies between December 2001 and January 2005. As of 4 September 2008, the ringgit has yet to regain its value circa 2001 against the Singapore dollar, the euro, the Australian dollar, and the British pound. On 21 July 2005, Bank Negara announced the end of the peg to the US dollar immediately after Chinas announcement of the end of the peg to the US dollar. According to Bank Negara, Malaysia allows the ringgit to operate in a float against several major currencies. Following the end of the peg, the ringgit appreciated to as high as 3.16 to the US dollar in April 2008. The ringgit had also enjoyed a period of appreciation against the Hong Kong dollar, the initial stability of the ringgit in the late-2000s had led to considerations to reintroduce the currency to foreign trading. As a result, the US dollar appreciated significantly to close at 3.43 to the MYR as of 4 September 2008, while other major currencies, including the renminbi and Hong Kong dollar, followed suit. The ringgit spiked at 3.73 to the US dollar by March 2009, before recovering to 3.00 to the US dollar by mid-2011. The first series of sen coins were introduced in 1967 in denominations of 1 sen,5 sen,10 sen,20 sen,50 sen, followed by the introduction of the 1 ringgit coin in 1971
2. Рыночная капитализация – Market capitalization is used by the investment community in ranking the size of companies, as opposed to sales or total asset figures. It is also used in ranking the size of stock exchanges. In performing such rankings, the market capitalizations are calculated at some significant date, the total capitalization of stock markets or economic regions may be compared with other economic indicators. In 2014 and 2015, global market capitalization was US$68 trillion and US$67 trillion, respectively. Market cap is given by the formula M C = N × P, where MC is the capitalization, N is the number of shares outstanding. For example, if company has 4 million shares outstanding. If the closing price per share rises to $21, the cap becomes $84 million. If it drops to $19 per share, the cap falls to $76 million. This is in contrast to mercantile pricing where purchase price, average price, traditionally, companies were divided into large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap. The terms mega-cap and micro-cap have also come into common use. Different numbers are used by different indexes, there is no definition of, or full consensus agreement about. The cutoffs may be defined as rather than in nominal dollars. Market cap reflects only the equity value of a company and it is important to note that a firms choice of capital structure has a significant impact on how the total value of a company is allocated between equity and debt. A more comprehensive measure is enterprise value, which gives effect to outstanding debt, preferred stock, for insurance firms, a value called the embedded value has been used
3. Фондовая биржа – A stock exchange or bourse is an exchange where stock brokers and traders can buy and/or sell stocks, bonds, and other securities. Stock exchanges may also provide facilities for issue and redemption of securities and other financial instruments, Securities traded on a stock exchange include stock issued by listed companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled investment products and bonds. Stock exchanges often function as continuous auction markets, with buyers and sellers consummating transactions at a central location, to be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it must be listed there. Trade on an exchange is restricted to brokers who are members of the exchange, the initial public offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market, supply and demand in stock markets are driven by various factors that, as in all free markets, affect the price of stocks. There is usually no obligation for stock to be issued via the exchange itself. Such trading may be off exchange or over-the-counter and this is the usual way that derivatives and bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a securities market. The idea of debt dates back to the ancient world, as evidenced for example by ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets recording interest-bearing loans, there is little consensus among scholars as to when corporate stock was first traded. Some see the key event as the Dutch East India Companys founding in 1602, economist Ulrike Malmendier of the University of California at Berkeley argues that a share market existed as far back as ancient Rome. One such service was the feeding of geese on the Capitoline Hill as a reward to the birds after their honking warned of a Gallic invasion in 390 B. C. Participants in such organizations had partes or shares, a concept mentioned various times by the statesman, in one speech, Cicero mentions shares that had a very high price at the time. Such evidence, in Malmendiers view, suggests the instruments were tradable, the societas declined into obscurity in the time of the emperors, as most of their services were taken over by direct agents of the state. Tradable bonds as a used type of security were a more recent innovation, spearheaded by the Italian city-states of the late medieval. While the Italian city-states produced the first transferable government bonds, they did not develop the other ingredient necessary to produce a fully fledged capital market, the Dutch East India Company became the first company to offer shares of stock. Control of the company was held tightly by its directors, with shareholders not having much influence on management or even access to the companys accounting statements. However, shareholders were rewarded well for their investment, the company paid an average dividend of over 16 percent per year from 1602 to 1650. Financial innovation in Amsterdam took many forms, by the 1620s, the company was expanding its securities issuance with the first use of corporate bonds
4. Малайзия – Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy located in Southeast Asia. Peninsular Malaysia shares a land and maritime border with Thailand and maritime borders with Singapore, Vietnam, East Malaysia shares land and maritime borders with Brunei and Indonesia and a maritime border with the Philippines and Vietnam. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, while Putrajaya is the seat of the federal government, with a population of over 30 million, Malaysia is the 44th most populous country. The southernmost point of continental Eurasia, Tanjung Piai, is in Malaysia, located in the tropics, Malaysia is one of 17 megadiverse countries on earth, with large numbers of endemic species. Malaysia has its origins in the Malay kingdoms present in the area which, from the 18th century, the first British territories were known as the Straits Settlements, whose establishment was followed by the Malay kingdoms becoming British protectorates. The territories on Peninsular Malaysia were first unified as the Malayan Union in 1946, Malaya was restructured as the Federation of Malaya in 1948, and achieved independence on 31 August 1957. Malaya united with North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore on 16 September 1963 to become Malaysia, less than two years later in 1965, Singapore was expelled from the federation. The country is multi-ethnic and multi-cultural, which plays a role in politics. About half the population is ethnically Malay, with minorities of Malaysian Chinese, Malaysian Indians. The constitution declares Islam the state religion while allowing freedom of religion for non-Muslims, the government system is closely modelled on the Westminster parliamentary system and the legal system is based on common law. The head of state is the king, known as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and he is an elected monarch chosen from the hereditary rulers of the nine Malay states every five years. The head of government is the prime minister, since its independence, Malaysia has had one of the best economic records in Asia, with its GDP growing at an average of 6. 5% per annum for almost 50 years. The economy has traditionally been fuelled by its resources, but is expanding in the sectors of science, tourism, commerce. Today, Malaysia has a newly industrialised market economy, ranked third largest in Southeast Asia, the name Malaysia is a combination of the word Malay and the Latin-Greek suffix -sia/-σία. The word melayu in Malay may derive from the Tamil words malai and ur meaning mountain and city, land, malayadvipa was the word used by ancient Indian traders when referring to the Malay Peninsula. Whether or not it originated from these roots, the word melayu or mlayu may have used in early Malay/Javanese to mean to steadily accelerate or run. This term was applied to describe the current of the river Melayu in Sumatra. The name was adopted by the Melayu Kingdom that existed in the seventh century on Sumatra
5. Облигация – In finance, a bond is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holders. The most common types of bonds include municipal bonds and corporate bonds, interest is usually payable at fixed intervals. Very often the bond is negotiable, that is, the ownership of the instrument can be transferred in the secondary market and this means that once the transfer agents at the bank medallion stamp the bond, it is highly liquid on the second market. Thus, a bond is a form of loan or IOU, the holder of the bond is the lender, the issuer of the bond is the borrower, and the coupon is the interest. Bonds provide the borrower with funds to finance long-term investments, or, in the case of government bonds. Certificates of deposit or short term commercial paper are considered to be money market instruments and not bonds, the main difference is in the length of the term of the instrument. Bonds and stocks are both securities, but the difference between the two is that stockholders have an equity stake in the company, whereas bondholders have a creditor stake in the company. Being a creditor, bondholders have priority over stockholders and this means they will be repaid in advance of stockholders, but will rank behind secured creditors in the event of bankruptcy. Another difference is that usually have a defined term, or maturity, after which the bond is redeemed. An exception is a bond, such as a consol, which is a perpetuity, that is. Bonds are issued by authorities, credit institutions, companies. The most common process for issuing bonds is through underwriting, when a bond issue is underwritten, one or more securities firms or banks, forming a syndicate, buy the entire issue of bonds from the issuer and re-sell them to investors. The security firm takes the risk of being unable to sell on the issue to end investors. Primary issuance is arranged by bookrunners who arrange the bond issue, have contact with investors and act as advisers to the bond issuer in terms of timing. The bookrunner is listed first among all participating in the issuance in the tombstone ads commonly used to announce bonds to the public. The bookrunners willingness to underwrite must be discussed prior to any decision on the terms of the issue as there may be limited demand for the bonds. In contrast, government bonds are issued in an auction. In some cases, both members of the public and banks may bid for bonds, in other cases, only market makers may bid for bonds
6. Фьючерс – In finance, a futures contract is a standardized forward contract which can be easily traded between parties other than the two initial parties to the contract. The parties initially agree to buy and sell an asset for an agreed upon today, with delivery and payment occurring at a future point. Because it is a function of an asset, a futures contract is a derivative product. Contracts are negotiated at futures exchanges, which act as a marketplace between buyers and sellers, the buyer of a contract is said to be long position holder, and the selling party is said to be short position holder. For example, in gold trading, the margin varies between 2% and 20% depending on the volatility of the spot market. The first futures contracts were negotiated for agricultural commodities, and later contracts were negotiated for natural resources such as oil. The original use of futures contracts was to mitigate the risk of price or exchange rate movements by allowing parties to fix prices or rates in advance for future transactions. The Chicago Board of Trade listed the first-ever standardized exchange traded forward contracts in 1864, by 1875 cotton futures were being traded in Bombay in India and within a few years this had expanded to futures on edible oilseeds complex, raw jute and jute goods and bullion. The 1972 creation of the International Monetary Market, the worlds first financial futures exchange, in 1976, the IMM added interest rate futures on US treasury bills, and in 1982 they added stock market index futures. Although futures contract are oriented towards a future point, their main purpose is to mitigate risk of default by either party in the intervening period. In this vein, the futures exchange requires both parties to put up initial cash, or a bond, known as the margin. To mitigate the risk of default, the product is marked to market on a basis where the difference between the initial agreed-upon price and the actual daily futures price is reevaluated daily. If the margin account goes below a certain value set by the Exchange, then a call is made. This process is known as marking to market, thus on the delivery date, the amount exchanged is not the specified price on the contract but the spot value. Upon marketing the strike price is reached and creates lots of income for the caller. To minimize credit risk to the exchange, traders must post a margin or a performance bond, to minimize counterparty risk to traders, trades executed on regulated futures exchanges are guaranteed by a clearing house. The clearing house becomes the buyer to each seller, and the seller to each Buyer and this enables traders to transact without performing due diligence on their counterparty. Margin requirements are waived or reduced in cases for hedgers who have physical ownership of the covered commodity or spread traders who have offsetting contracts balancing the position
7. Опцион – The strike price may be set by reference to the spot price of the underlying security or commodity on the day an option is taken out, or it may be fixed at a discount in a premium. The seller has the obligation to fulfill the transaction – to sell or buy – if the buyer exercises the option. Both are commonly used in and by the old traded, when an option is exercised, the cost to the buyer of the asset acquired is the strike price plus the premium, if any. When the option expiration date passes without the option being exercised, then the option expires, in any case, the premium is income to the seller, and normally a capital loss to the buyer. The owner of an option may on-sell the option to a party in a secondary market, in either an over-the-counter transaction or on an options exchange. The market price of an American-style option normally closely follows that of the underlying stock, being the difference between the market price of the stock and the strike price of the option. The ownership of an option does not generally entitle the holder to any rights associated with the asset, such as voting rights or any income from the underlying asset. Contracts similar to options have been used since ancient times, the first reputed option buyer was the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Thales of Miletus. When spring came and the olive harvest was larger than expected he exercised his options, in London, puts and refusals first became well-known trading instruments in the 1690s during the reign of William and Mary. Privileges were options sold over the counter in nineteenth century America and their exercise price was fixed at a rounded-off market price on the day or week that the option was bought, and the expiry date was generally three months after purchase. They were not traded in secondary markets, film or theatrical producers often buy the right — but not the obligation — to dramatize a specific book or script. Lines of credit give the borrower the right — but not the obligation — to borrow within a specified time period. Many choices, or embedded options, have traditionally included in bond contracts. For example, many bonds are convertible into common stock at the buyers option, mortgage borrowers have long had the option to repay the loan early, which corresponds to a callable bond option. Options contracts have been known for decades, the Chicago Board Options Exchange was established in 1973, which set up a regime using standardized forms and terms and trade through a guaranteed clearing house. Trading activity and academic interest has increased since then, Options are part of a larger class of financial instruments known as derivative products, or simply, derivatives. A financial option is a contract between two counterparties with the terms of the option specified in a term sheet, Exchange traded options have standardized contracts, and are settled through a clearing house with fulfillment guaranteed by the Options Clearing Corporation. Since the contracts are standardized, accurate pricing models are often available, the terms of an OTC option are unrestricted and may be individually tailored to meet any business need
8. Валюта – A currency in the most specific use of the word refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins. A more general definition is that a currency is a system of money in common use, under this definition, US dollars, British pounds, Australian dollars, and European euros are examples of currency. These various currencies are recognized stores of value and are traded between nations in exchange markets, which determine the relative values of the different currencies. Currencies in this sense are defined by governments, and each type has limited boundaries of acceptance, other definitions of the term currency are discussed in their respective synonymous articles banknote, coin, and money. The latter definition, pertaining to the systems of nations, is the topic of this article. Currencies can be classified into two systems, fiat money and commodity money, depending on what guarantees the value. Some currencies are legal tender in certain jurisdictions, which means they cannot be refused as payment for debt. Others are simply traded for their economic value, digital currency has arisen with the popularity of computers and the Internet. Currency evolved from two basic innovations, both of which had occurred by 2000 BC, originally money was a form of receipt, representing grain stored in temple granaries in Sumer in ancient Mesopotamia, then Ancient Egypt. In this first stage of currency, metals were used as symbols to represent value stored in the form of commodities and this formed the basis of trade in the Fertile Crescent for over 1500 years. Trade could only reach as far as the credibility of that military and it is not known what was used as a currency for these exchanges, but it is thought that ox-hide shaped ingots of copper, produced in Cyprus, may have functioned as a currency. It is thought that the increase in piracy and raiding associated with the Bronze Age collapse, possibly produced by the Peoples of the Sea, brought the trading system of oxhide ingots to an end. In Africa, many forms of value store have been used, including beads, ingots, ivory, various forms of weapons, livestock, the manilla currency, the manilla rings of West Africa were one of the currencies used from the 15th century onwards to sell slaves. African currency is still notable for its variety, and in many various forms of barter still apply. These factors led to the metal itself being the store of value, first silver, now we have copper coins and other non-precious metals as coins. Metals were mined, weighed, and stamped into coins and this was to assure the individual taking the coin that he was getting a certain known weight of precious metal. Coins could be counterfeited, but they created a new unit of account. Most major economies using coinage had several tiers of coins, using a mix of copper, silver, gold coins were used for large purchases, payment of the military and backing of state activities, they were more often used as measures of account than physical coins
9. Сингапурская биржа – Singapore Exchange Limited is an investment holding company located in Singapore and provides different services related to securities and derivatives trading and others. SGX is a member of the World Federation of Exchanges and the Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation, SGX operates several different divisions, each responsible for handling specific businesses. SGX ETS, provides global trading access to SGX markets where 80 percent of the customers are from outside Singapore, SGX DC, subsidiary for clearing and settlement operations. SGX AsiaClear, offers clearing services for over-the-counter oil swaps and forward freight agreements, SGX Reach, an electronic trading platform. Central Depository Pte Ltd, subsidiary responsible for clearing, settlement. In order to be listed on the mainboard, a company has to some requirements set forth by SGX. The exchange launched SGX QUEST in August 2004, the system is used by the exchange for derivatives and securities trading. Local times, SGX was formed on 1 December 1999 as a holding company, in this way, all assets previously owned by these three companies were transferred to SGX. The shareholders previously holding shares in SES, Simex and SCCS received newly issued SGX shares, on 23 November 2000, SGX became the second exchange in Asia-Pacific to be listed via a public offer and a private placement. Listed on its own bourse, the SGX stock is a component of benchmark indices such as the MSCI Singapore Free Index, on 25 September 2006, the Joint Asian Derivatives Exchange, a joint venture between SGX and Chicago Board of Trade became operational. However, this joint venture was cancelled in November 2007, with CME Groups selling of its 50% stake in the joint venture to SGX, the contracts previously traded on JADE were transferred to SGXs QUEST trading platform. In August 2009, SGX formed a joint venture with Chi-X Global, at the beginning of October 2010, this joint venture received approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore to operate a dark pool trading platform. In March 2007, SGX bought a 5% stake in Bombay Stock Exchange for 42.7 million dollars, on 15 June 2007, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. announced that it had acquired a 4. 99% stake in SGX. Since then the value of the shares has declined and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. has made a decision to sell the shares it holds in SGX to its parent company, the Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc. On 31 January 2008, SGX acquired a 20% stake in Philippine Dealing System Holdings Corp, at the beginning of 2008, SGX reached an agreement to buy at least 95% of Singapore Commodity Exchange. On 30 June 2008, SGX completed the acquisition of Singapore Commodity Exchange Ltd, on 18 April 2008, SGX opened a representative office in Beijing. On 8 June 2010, SGX announced it has opened an office in London and this is part of SGXs move to invest S$250 million into its Reach initiative. By implementing this initiative, SGX plans to create the worlds fastest trading engine, the new trading platform, SGX Reach, will be delivered to SGX by NASDAQ OMX, Voltaire and HP
10. British American Tobacco – British American Tobacco plc is a British multinational tobacco company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is one of the five largest tobacco companies. BAT has a position in over 50 countries and operations in around 180 countries. Its four largest-selling brands are Dunhill, Lucky Strike, Kent and Pall Mall, with others including Kool, Benson & Hedges, BAT has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE100 Index. It has a listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The parent companies agreed not to trade in each others domestic territory and to assign trademarks, export businesses, in China, BAT inherited a factory in the Pudong district of Shanghai from W. D. & H. O. Wills, one of the companies of Imperial Tobacco. Under the management of James Augustus Thomas from Rockingham, North Carolina, USA, Thomas worked closely with the local Wing Tai Vo Tobacco Company, which developed into BATs principal Chinese partner after its success with the Ruby Queen cigarette brand. In 1911 the American Tobacco Company sold its share of the company, Imperial Tobacco gradually reduced its shareholding, but it was not until 1980 that it divested its remaining interests in the company. At its peak, in 1937 BAT manufactured and distributed 55 billion cigarettes in China, the companys assets were seized by the Japanese in 1941 following their 1937 invasion. In 1953 the company was ejected from China following the foundation of the Peoples Republic, in 1976 the group companies were reorganised under a new holding company, B. A. T Industries. In 1994 BAT acquired its parent, American Tobacco Company. This brought the Lucky Strike and Pall Mall brands into BATs portfolio, in 1999 it merged with Rothmans International, which included a share in a factory in Burma. This made it the target of criticism from human rights groups and it sold its share of the factory on 6 November 2003 after an exceptional request from the British government. In 2002, BAT lost a lawsuit about the right to sell cigarettes under the Marlboro brand name in the UK and it had acquired Rothmans, which had previously bought a licence to use the name from Philip Morris. Philip Morris attorneys invoked a clause for the case of a major change of ownership. In 2003, BAT acquired Ente Tabacchi Italiani S. p. A, the important acquisition would elevate BAT to the number two position in Italy, the second largest tobacco market in the European Union. The scale of the operations would bring significant opportunities to compete and grow ETIs local brands