Найробийская фондовая биржа. Найробийская фондовая биржа

Найробийская фондовая биржа Википедия

Найробийская фондовая биржа — рынок ценных бумаг в Найроби, Кения. Биржа была образована в 1954 году как добровольное объединение европейских биржевых маклеров. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг около 60 компаний.

История[ | код]

Первые сделки с ценными бумагами начались еще в 1920-х годах, когда Кения была британской колонией. На тот момент биржи формально не существовало и все сделки совершались по "джентльменскому соглашению" - стороны полагались на честность и добрые намерения друг друга.

В 1951 году агент по сделкам с недвижимостью, Френсис Драммонд, основал первую профессиональную брокерскую контору и убедил министра финансов Кении, сэра Эрнеста Вейси, начать формирование биржи в Восточной Африке. В июле 1953 года они обратились в Лондонскую фондовую биржу и получили согласие на создание Найробийской фондовой биржи как заморской биржи, в каком статусе она была до 1963 года, когда стала независимой вместе со провозглашением независимости Кении, после чего произошло серьезное падение капитализации вследствие неопределенности и неуверенности инвесторов.

В 1988 произошла первая приватизация государственной кенийской компании через Найробийскую биржу - успешное продажа 20%-го пакета государственного Коммерческого Банка Кении.

18 февраля 1994 года индекс биржи из двадцати наиболее крупных эмитентов - NSE 20-Share Index - установил исторический рекорд, достигнув значения 5030 пунктов. Международная финансовая корпорация признала биржу одним из самых перспективных фондовых рынков с более чем 179% ростом. Примерно в то же время количество брокеров на бирже впервые выросло, лицензию получило восемь новых компаний.

Региональная интеграция[ | код]

Найробийская фондовая биржа является членом Ассоциации африканских фондовых бирж, Ассоциации восточно-африканских бирж и Всемирной федерации бирж.

См. также[ | код]

Примечания[ | код]

Ссылки[ | код]


Найробийская фондовая биржа - Википедия

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Найробийская фондовая биржа — рынок ценных бумаг в Найроби, Кения. Биржа была образована в 1954 году как добровольное объединение европейских биржевых маклеров. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг около 60 компаний.

История[ | ]

Первые сделки с ценными бумагами начались еще в 1920-х годах, когда Кения была британской колонией. На тот момент биржи формально не существовало и все сделки совершались по "джентльменскому соглашению" - стороны полагались на честность и добрые намерения друг друга.

В 1951 году агент по сделкам с недвижимостью, Френсис Драммонд, основал первую профессиональную брокерскую контору и убедил министра финансов Кении, сэра Эрнеста Вейси, начать формирование биржи в Восточной Африке. В июле 1953 года они обратились в Лондонскую фондовую биржу и получили согласие на создание Найробийской фондовой биржи как заморской биржи, в каком статусе она была до 1963 года, когда стала независимой вместе со провозглашением независимости Кении, после чего произошло серьезное падение капитализации вследствие неопределенности и неуверенности инвесторов.

В 1988 произошла первая приватизация государственной кенийской компании через Найробийскую биржу - успешное продажа 20%-го пакета государственного Коммерческого Банка Кении.

18 февраля 1994 года индекс биржи из двадцати наиболее крупных эмитентов - NSE 20-Share Index - установил исторический рекорд, достигнув значения 5030 пунктов. Международная финансовая корпорация признала биржу одним из самых перспективных фондовых рынков с более чем 179% ростом. Примерно в то же время количество брокеров на бирже впервые выросло, лицензию получило восемь новых компаний.

Региональная интеграция[ | ]

Найробийская фондовая биржа является членом Ассоциации африканских фондовых бирж, Ассоциации восточно-африканских бирж и Всемирной федерации бирж.

См. также[ | ]

Примечания[ | ]

Ссылки[ | ]


Найробийская фондовая биржа Википедия

Найробийская фондовая биржа — рынок ценных бумаг в Найроби, Кения. Биржа была образована в 1954 году как добровольное объединение европейских биржевых маклеров. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг около 60 компаний.


Первые сделки с ценными бумагами начались еще в 1920-х годах, когда Кения была британской колонией. На тот момент биржи формально не существовало и все сделки совершались по "джентльменскому соглашению" - стороны полагались на честность и добрые намерения друг друга.

В 1951 году агент по сделкам с недвижимостью, Френсис Драммонд, основал первую профессиональную брокерскую контору и убедил министра финансов Кении, сэра Эрнеста Вейси, начать формирование биржи в Восточной Африке. В июле 1953 года они обратились в Лондонскую фондовую биржу и получили согласие на создание Найробийской фондовой биржи как заморской биржи, в каком статусе она была до 1963 года, когда стала независимой вместе со провозглашением независимости Кении, после чего произошло серьезное падение капитализации вследствие неопределенности и неуверенности инвесторов.

В 1988 произошла первая приватизация государственной кенийской компании через Найробийскую биржу - успешное продажа 20%-го пакета государственного Коммерческого Банка Кении.

18 февраля 1994 года индекс биржи из двадцати наиболее крупных эмитентов - NSE 20-Share Index - установил исторический рекорд, достигнув значения 5030 пунктов. Международная финансовая корпорация признала биржу одним из самых перспективных фондовых рынков с более чем 179% ростом. Примерно в то же время количество брокеров на бирже впервые выросло, лицензию получило восемь новых компаний.

Региональная интеграция

Найробийская фондовая биржа является членом Ассоциации африканских фондовых бирж, Ассоциации восточно-африканских бирж и Всемирной федерации бирж.

См. также




Найробийская фондовая биржа — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

К:Компании, основанные в 1954 году

Найробийская фондовая биржа — рынок ценных бумаг в Найроби, Кения. Биржа была образована в 1954 году как добровольное объединение европейских биржевых маклеров. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг около 60 компаний.


Первые сделки с ценными бумагами начались еще в 1920-х годах, когда Кения была британской колонией. На тот момент биржи формально не существовало и все сделки совершались по "джентльменскому соглашению" - стороны полагались на честность и добрые намерения друг друга.

В 1951 году агент по сделкам с недвижимостью, Френсис Драммонд, основал первую профессиональную брокерскую контору и убедил министра финансов Кении, сэра Эрнеста Вейси, начать формирование биржи в Восточной Африке. В июле 1953 года они обратились в Лондонскую фондовую биржу и получили согласие на создание Найробийской фондовой биржи как заморской биржи, в каком статусе она была до 1963 года, когда стала независимой вместе со провозглашением независимости Кении, после чего произошло серьезное падение капитализации вследствие неопределенности и неуверенности инвесторов.

В 1988 произошла первая приватизация государственной кенийской компании через Найробийскую биржу - успешное продажа 20%-го пакета государственного Коммерческого Банка Кении.

18 февраля 1994 года индекс биржи из двадцати наиболее крупных эмитентов - NSE 20-Share Index - установил исторический рекорд, достигнув значения 5030 пунктов. Международная финансовая корпорация признала биржу одним из самых перспективных фондовых рынков с более чем 179% ростом. Примерно в то же время количество брокеров на бирже впервые выросло, лицензию получило восемь новых компаний.

Региональная интеграция

Найробийская фондовая биржа является членом Ассоциации африканских фондовых бирж, Ассоциации восточно-африканских бирж и Всемирной федерации бирж.

См. также

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  1. ↑ [www.nse.co.ke/market-statistics/equity-statistics.html?view=statistics Equity Statistics] (21 June 2016). Проверено 22 июня 2016.


  • [www.nse.co.ke/ Официальный сайт биржи]

Отрывок, характеризующий Найробийская фондовая биржа

– А, Яков Алпатыч, ты зачем? – По приказанию его сиятельства, к господину губернатору, – отвечал Алпатыч, гордо поднимая голову и закладывая руку за пазуху, что он делал всегда, когда упоминал о князе… – Изволили приказать осведомиться о положении дел, – сказал он. – Да вот и узнавай, – прокричал помещик, – довели, что ни подвод, ничего!.. Вот она, слышишь? – сказал он, указывая на ту сторону, откуда слышались выстрелы. – Довели, что погибать всем… разбойники! – опять проговорил он и сошел с крыльца. Алпатыч покачал головой и пошел на лестницу. В приемной были купцы, женщины, чиновники, молча переглядывавшиеся между собой. Дверь кабинета отворилась, все встали с мест и подвинулись вперед. Из двери выбежал чиновник, поговорил что то с купцом, кликнул за собой толстого чиновника с крестом на шее и скрылся опять в дверь, видимо, избегая всех обращенных к нему взглядов и вопросов. Алпатыч продвинулся вперед и при следующем выходе чиновника, заложив руку зазастегнутый сюртук, обратился к чиновнику, подавая ему два письма. – Господину барону Ашу от генерала аншефа князя Болконского, – провозгласил он так торжественно и значительно, что чиновник обратился к нему и взял его письмо. Через несколько минут губернатор принял Алпатыча и поспешно сказал ему: – Доложи князю и княжне, что мне ничего не известно было: я поступал по высшим приказаниям – вот… Он дал бумагу Алпатычу. – А впрочем, так как князь нездоров, мой совет им ехать в Москву. Я сам сейчас еду. Доложи… – Но губернатор не договорил: в дверь вбежал запыленный и запотелый офицер и начал что то говорить по французски. На лице губернатора изобразился ужас. – Иди, – сказал он, кивнув головой Алпатычу, и стал что то спрашивать у офицера. Жадные, испуганные, беспомощные взгляды обратились на Алпатыча, когда он вышел из кабинета губернатора. Невольно прислушиваясь теперь к близким и все усиливавшимся выстрелам, Алпатыч поспешил на постоялый двор. Бумага, которую дал губернатор Алпатычу, была следующая: «Уверяю вас, что городу Смоленску не предстоит еще ни малейшей опасности, и невероятно, чтобы оный ею угрожаем был. Я с одной, а князь Багратион с другой стороны идем на соединение перед Смоленском, которое совершится 22 го числа, и обе армии совокупными силами станут оборонять соотечественников своих вверенной вам губернии, пока усилия их удалят от них врагов отечества или пока не истребится в храбрых их рядах до последнего воина. Вы видите из сего, что вы имеете совершенное право успокоить жителей Смоленска, ибо кто защищаем двумя столь храбрыми войсками, тот может быть уверен в победе их». (Предписание Барклая де Толли смоленскому гражданскому губернатору, барону Ашу, 1812 года.) Народ беспокойно сновал по улицам.


Найробийская фондовая биржа - WikiVisually

1. Найроби – Nairobi is the capital and largest city of Kenya. It is famous for having the Nairobi National Park, the only game reserve found within a major city. The city and its surrounding area also form Nairobi County, whose current governor is Evans Kidero, the name Nairobi comes from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nairobi, which translates to cool water. The phrase is also the Maasai name of the Nairobi river, however, it is popularly known as the Green City in the Sun, and is surrounded by several expanding villa suburbs. Nairobi was founded in 1899 by the authorities in British East Africa. The town quickly grew to replace Machakos as the capital of Kenya in 1907, after independence in 1963, Nairobi became the capital of the Republic of Kenya. During Kenyas colonial period, the city became a centre for the coffee, tea. The city lies on the River Athi in the part of the country. With a population of 3.36 million in 2011, Nairobi is the second-largest city by population in the African Great Lakes region after Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. According to the 2009 census, in the area of Nairobi,3,138,295 inhabitants lived within 696 km2. Nairobi is the 14th-largest city in Africa, including the population of its suburbs, the Nairobi Securities Exchange is one of the largest in Africa and the second-oldest exchange on the continent. It is Africas fourth-largest exchange in terms of trading volume, capable of making 10 million trades a day, Nairobi is found within the Greater Nairobi Metropolitan region, which consists of 4 out of 47 counties in Kenya, which generates about 60% of the entire nations wealth. The city was named after a water hole known in Maasai as Enkare Nairobi and it was completely rebuilt in the early 1900s after an outbreak of plague and the burning of the original town. The location of the Nairobi railway camp was due to its central position between Mombasa and Kampala. It was also chosen because its network of rivers could supply the camp with water, however, malaria was a serious problem, leading to at least one attempt to have the town moved. In 1905, Nairobi replaced Mombasa as capital of the British protectorate, as the British occupiers started to explore the region, they started using Nairobi as their first port of call. This prompted the government to build several spectacular grand hotels in the city. The main occupants were British game hunters, Nairobi continued to grow under the British and many British subjects settled within the citys suburbs

2. Финансы – Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty, Finance can also be defined as the science of money management. Finance aims to price assets based on their level and their expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub-categories, public finance, corporate finance and personal finance. g, health and property insurance, investing and saving for retirement. Personal finance may also involve paying for a loan, or debt obligations, net worth is a persons balance sheet, calculated by adding up all assets under that persons control, minus all liabilities of the household, at one point in time. Household cash flow totals up all the sources of income within a year. From this analysis, the financial planner can determine to what degree, adequate protection, the analysis of how to protect a household from unforeseen risks. These risks can be divided into the following, liability, property, death, disability, health, some of these risks may be self-insurable, while most will require the purchase of an insurance contract. Determining how much insurance to get, at the most cost effective terms requires knowledge of the market for personal insurance, business owners, professionals, athletes and entertainers require specialized insurance professionals to adequately protect themselves. Since insurance also enjoys some tax benefits, utilizing insurance investment products may be a piece of the overall investment planning. Tax planning, typically the income tax is the single largest expense in a household, managing taxes is not a question of if you will pay taxes, but when and how much. Government gives many incentives in the form of tax deductions and credits, most modern governments use a progressive tax. Typically, as ones income grows, a marginal rate of tax must be paid. Understanding how to take advantage of the tax breaks when planning ones personal finances can make a significant impact in which it can later save you money in the long term. Investment and accumulation goals, planning how to accumulate enough money - for large purchases, major reasons to accumulate assets include, purchasing a house or car, starting a business, paying for education expenses, and saving for retirement. Achieving these goals requires projecting what they will cost, and when you need to withdraw funds that will be necessary to be able to achieve these goals, a major risk to the household in achieving their accumulation goal is the rate of price increases over time, or inflation. Using net present value calculators, the planner will suggest a combination of asset earmarking. In order to overcome the rate of inflation, the investment portfolio has to get a higher rate of return, managing these portfolio risks is most often accomplished using asset allocation, which seeks to diversify investment risk and opportunity

3. Рыночная капитализация – Market capitalization is used by the investment community in ranking the size of companies, as opposed to sales or total asset figures. It is also used in ranking the size of stock exchanges. In performing such rankings, the market capitalizations are calculated at some significant date, the total capitalization of stock markets or economic regions may be compared with other economic indicators. In 2014 and 2015, global market capitalization was US$68 trillion and US$67 trillion, respectively. Market cap is given by the formula M C = N × P, where MC is the capitalization, N is the number of shares outstanding. For example, if company has 4 million shares outstanding. If the closing price per share rises to $21, the cap becomes $84 million. If it drops to $19 per share, the cap falls to $76 million. This is in contrast to mercantile pricing where purchase price, average price, traditionally, companies were divided into large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap. The terms mega-cap and micro-cap have also come into common use. Different numbers are used by different indexes, there is no definition of, or full consensus agreement about. The cutoffs may be defined as rather than in nominal dollars. Market cap reflects only the equity value of a company and it is important to note that a firms choice of capital structure has a significant impact on how the total value of a company is allocated between equity and debt. A more comprehensive measure is enterprise value, which gives effect to outstanding debt, preferred stock, for insurance firms, a value called the embedded value has been used

4. Кенийский шиллинг – The shilling is the currency of Kenya. It is divisible into 100 cents, the Central Bank of Kenya shifted its target to tighten liquidity, including increasing interest rate and money market operations. But expected inflows due to tea export drove up the rate to about 84 shillings per US dollar on 31 January 2012. The Kenyan shilling replaced the East African shilling in 1966 at par. The first coins were issued in 1966 in denominations of 5,10,25 and 50 cents, in 1973 and 1985, 5-shillings coins were introduced, followed by 10-shillings in 1994 and 20-shillings in 1998. Between 1967 and 1978, the portrait of Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya, in 1980, a portrait of Daniel arap Moi replaced Kenyatta until 2005, when the central bank introduced a new coin series that restored the portrait of Kenyatta. The coins are 50 cents and 1 shilling in stainless steel, a bi-metallic 40-shilling coin with the portrait of then-President Mwai Kibaki was issued in 2003 to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of independence. New coins with the image of Kenyatta were issued in 2005, new banknotes and coins are scheduled to be released to meet up with this new law. On 14 September 1966, the Kenyan shilling replaced the East African shilling at par, the Central Bank of Kenya issued notes in denominations of 5,10,20,50 and 100 shillings. All of the feature a portrait of Kenyas first prime minister and president, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, on the front. 5 shillings notes were replaced by coins in 1985, with the same happening to 10 and 20 shillings in 1994 and 1998, in 1986,200 shillings notes were introduced, followed by 500 shillings in 1988 and 1000 shillings in 1994. As with the coins, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta appeared on the banknotes issued until 1978, with Daniel arap Mois portrait replacing him in 1980. In 2003, after Mwai Kibaki replaced Moi as president,5,10, and 20 shilling notes from the 1978 series with Kenyattas picture that had been in storage were issued, and circulated for a time. A new series of notes was introduced on which Kenyatta reappeared with denominations of 50,100,200,500 and 1000 shillings. The issue of 12 December 2003 commemorates the 40 years of Independence 1963–2003, the banknotes are printed in Nairobi by De La Rue. In 2013, the Kenyan design agency Ark proposed a new symbol for the currency, arithmetically, the equality sign is a function that shows balanced relationships between items of the same value - a relationship that forms the basis of money as a medium of exchange. This equivalence certifies the stability of the Shilling, the proposed symbol was shared online and created a lot of interest within the general public and critics alike. It gained quite a lot of feedback with the Kenyan public praising the idea of finally having and owning their own signature symbol for the local currency

5. Кения – Kenya, officially the Republic of Kenya, is a country in Africa and a founding member of the East African Community. Its capital and largest city is Nairobi and it is bordered by Tanzania to the south and southwest, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east. Kenya covers 581,309 km2, and had a population of approximately 48 million people in January 2017, Kenya has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline. The climate is cooler in the grasslands around the capital city, Nairobi, and especially closer to Mount Kenya. Further inland are highlands in Central and Rift Valley regions where tea, in the West are Nyanza and Western regions, there is an equatorial, hot and dry climate which becomes humid around Lake Victoria, the largest tropical fresh-water lake in the world. This gives way to temperate and forested areas in the neighbouring western region. The north-eastern regions along the border with Somalia and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near-desert landscapes, Kenya is known for its world class athletes in track and field and rugby. The African Great Lakes region, which Kenya is a part of, has been inhabited by humans since the Lower Paleolithic period, by the first millennium AD, the Bantu expansion had reached the area from West-Central Africa. Bantu and Nilotic populations together constitute around 97% of the nations residents, European and Arab presence in coastal Mombasa dates to the Early Modern period, European exploration of the interior began in the 19th century. The British Empire established the East Africa Protectorate in 1895, which starting in 1920 gave way to the Kenya Colony, Kenya obtained independence in December 1963. Following a referendum in August 2010 and adoption of a new constitution, Kenya is now divided into 47 semi-autonomous counties, the capital, Nairobi, is a regional commercial hub. The economy of Kenya is the largest by GDP in East, agriculture is a major employer, the country traditionally exports tea and coffee and has more recently begun to export fresh flowers to Europe. The service industry is also an economic driver. Additionally, Kenya is a member of the East African Community trading bloc, the Republic of Kenya is named after Mount Kenya. The origin of the name Kenya is not clear, but perhaps linked to the Kikuyu, Embu and Kamba words Kirinyaga, Kirenyaa, if so, then the British may not so much have mispronounced it, as misspelled it. In the 19th century, the German explorer Johann Ludwig Krapf was staying with the Bantu Kamba people when he first spotted the mountain. On asking for the name of the mountain, he was told Kĩ-Nyaa or Kĩĩma- Kĩĩnyaa probably because the pattern of black rock, the Agikuyu, who inhabit the slopes of Mt. Kenya, call it Kĩrĩma Kĩrĩnyaga in Kikuyu, which is quite similar to the Kamba name. Ludwig Krapf recorded the name as both Kenia and Kegnia believed by most to be a corruption of the Kamba version, others say that this was—on the contrary—a very precise notation of a correct African pronunciation /ˈkɛnjə/

6. Фондовая биржа – A stock exchange or bourse is an exchange where stock brokers and traders can buy and/or sell stocks, bonds, and other securities. Stock exchanges may also provide facilities for issue and redemption of securities and other financial instruments, Securities traded on a stock exchange include stock issued by listed companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled investment products and bonds. Stock exchanges often function as continuous auction markets, with buyers and sellers consummating transactions at a central location, to be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it must be listed there. Trade on an exchange is restricted to brokers who are members of the exchange, the initial public offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market, supply and demand in stock markets are driven by various factors that, as in all free markets, affect the price of stocks. There is usually no obligation for stock to be issued via the exchange itself. Such trading may be off exchange or over-the-counter and this is the usual way that derivatives and bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a securities market. The idea of debt dates back to the ancient world, as evidenced for example by ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets recording interest-bearing loans, there is little consensus among scholars as to when corporate stock was first traded. Some see the key event as the Dutch East India Companys founding in 1602, economist Ulrike Malmendier of the University of California at Berkeley argues that a share market existed as far back as ancient Rome. One such service was the feeding of geese on the Capitoline Hill as a reward to the birds after their honking warned of a Gallic invasion in 390 B. C. Participants in such organizations had partes or shares, a concept mentioned various times by the statesman, in one speech, Cicero mentions shares that had a very high price at the time. Such evidence, in Malmendiers view, suggests the instruments were tradable, the societas declined into obscurity in the time of the emperors, as most of their services were taken over by direct agents of the state. Tradable bonds as a used type of security were a more recent innovation, spearheaded by the Italian city-states of the late medieval. While the Italian city-states produced the first transferable government bonds, they did not develop the other ingredient necessary to produce a fully fledged capital market, the Dutch East India Company became the first company to offer shares of stock. Control of the company was held tightly by its directors, with shareholders not having much influence on management or even access to the companys accounting statements. However, shareholders were rewarded well for their investment, the company paid an average dividend of over 16 percent per year from 1602 to 1650. Financial innovation in Amsterdam took many forms, by the 1620s, the company was expanding its securities issuance with the first use of corporate bonds

7. Лондонская фондовая биржа – The London Stock Exchange is a stock exchange located in the City of London in the United Kingdom. As of December 2014, the Exchange had a capitalisation of US$6.06 trillion. The Exchange was founded in 1801 and its current premises are situated in Paternoster Square close to St Pauls Cathedral in the City of London, the Exchange is part of the London Stock Exchange Group. London Stock Exchange is one of the world’s oldest stock exchanges, London Stock Exchange Group was created in October 2007 when London Stock Exchange merged with Milan Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana. The Royal Exchange had been founded by English financier Thomas Gresham on the model of the Antwerp Bourse and it was opened by Elizabeth I of England in 1571. During the 17th century, stockbrokers were not allowed in the Royal Exchange due to their rude manners and they had to operate from other establishments in the vicinity, notably Jonathans Coffee-House. At that coffee house, a broker named John Casting started listing the prices of a few commodities, exchange rates and certain key provisions such as salt, coal, originally, this was not a daily list and was only published a few days of the week. This list and activity was moved to Garraway’s coffee house. Public auctions during this period were conducted for the duration that a length of tallow candle could burn, as stocks grew, with new companies joining to raise capital, the royal court also raised some monies. These are the earliest evidence of organised trading in securities in London. After Greshams Royal Exchange building was destroyed in the Great Fire of London, it was rebuilt and this was a move away from coffee houses and a step towards the modern model of stock exchange. The Royal Exchange not only housed brokers but also merchants and merchandise and this was the birth of a regulated stock market, which had teething problems in the shape of unlicensed brokers. In order to regulate these, Parliament brought out an act in 1697 that levied heavy penalties and it also set a fixed number of brokers, which was later increased as the size of the trade grew. The street in which they were now dealing was known as Exchange Alley, Parliament tried to regulate this and ban the unofficial traders from the Change streets. Traders became weary of bubbles when companies rose quickly and fell, after the Seven Years War, trade at Jonathans coffee house boomed again. In 1773, Jonathan, together with 150 other brokers, formed a club and opened a new and this now had a set entrance fee, through which traders could enter the stock room and trade securities. It was, however, not a location for trading. Fraud was also rife during these times and in order to such dealings

8. Коммерческий Банк Кении – KCB Bank Kenya Limited, also KCB Bank Kenya, is a financial services provider headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. It is licensed as a bank, by the Central Bank of Kenya. The bank has also been running Agency banking model, as of December 2015, KCB Bank Kenya was the largest commercial bank in Kenya with assets of more than US$3.681 billion and US$2.776 billion in customer deposits. KCB Bank Kenya roots trace back to July 1896 when its parent company, in 1958, Grindlays Bank merged with the National Bank of India to form the National and Grindlays Bank. Upon independence, the Government of Kenya acquired 60% shareholding in National & Grindlays Bank in an effort to bring banking closer to the majority of Kenyans, in 1970, the Government took full control of the Bank and renamed it to Kenya Commercial Bank Group. This was in compliance with the Kenya Finance Act No.57 of 2012, the re-organisation converted KCB Group Limited into a non-trading holding company that owns both banking and non-banking subsidiary companies. KCB Bank Kenya is an owned subsidiary of the KCB Group. Making it a member of the KCB Group, Kenya Commercial Bank is a member of the KCB Group of companies. Shares of Kenya Commercial Bank Group are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange, the Groups stock is also cross listed on the Uganda Securities Exchange, the Rwanda Stock Exchange and the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. As of December 2015, KCB has more than 250 branches throughout Kenya and it has the largest number of own-branded ATMs in Kenya. At that time, it served over 7 million account holders, the Chairman of the banks board of directors is Ngeny Biwott and the managing director and the chief executive officer of the bank is Joshua Oigara. Website of KCB Bank Kenya Limited

9. Международная финансовая корпорация – The IFC is a member of the World Bank Group and is headquartered in Washington, D. C. Since 2009, the IFC has focused on a set of development goals that its projects are expected to target, the IFC is owned and governed by its member countries, but has its own executive leadership and staff that conduct its normal business operations. It is a corporation whose shareholders are member governments that provide paid-in capital and it offers an array of debt and equity financing services and helps companies face their risk exposures, while refraining from participating in a management capacity. The corporation also offers advice to companies on making decisions, evaluating their impact on the environment and society and it advises governments on building infrastructure and partnerships to further support private sector development. The corporation is assessed by an independent evaluator each year, the corporations total investments in 2011 amounted to $18.66 billion. It committed $820 million to advisory services for 642 projects in 2011, the IFC is in good financial standing and received the highest ratings from two independent credit rating agencies in 2010 and 2011. IFC comes under frequent criticism from NGOs that it is not able to track its money because of its use of financial intermediaries. Robert L. Garner joined the World Bank in 1947 as a senior executive, in 1950, Garner and his colleagues proposed establishing a new institution for the purpose of making private investments in the developing countries served by the Bank. In 1956 the International Finance Corporation became operational under the leadership of Garner and it initially had 12 staff members and $100 million in capital. The corporation made its investment in 1957 by making a $2 million loan to a Brazil-based affiliate of Siemens & Halske. In 2007, IFC bought 18% stake in the Indian Financial firm, in December 2015 IFC supported Greek banks with 150 million euros by buying shares in four of them, Alpha Bank, Eurobank, Piraeus Bank and National Bank of Greece. The IFC is governed by its Board of Governors which meets annually, each member typically appoints one governor and also one alternate. The IFCs Board of Directors consists of 25 executive directors who meet regularly and work at the IFCs headquarters, the executive directors collectively represent all 184 member countries. The IFCs Executive Vice President and CEO oversees its overall direction, as of October 2012, Jin-Yong Cai serves as the Executive Vice President and CEO of the IFC. President of the World Bank Group Jim Yong Kim appointed Jin-Yong Cai to serve as the new Executive Vice President, Cai is a Chinese citizen who formerly served as a managing director for Goldman Sachs and has over 20 years of financial sector experience. The corporation operates with a staff of over 3,400 employees, in its fiscal year 2010, the IFC invested $12.7 billion in 528 projects across 103 countries. Of that total investment commitment, approximately 39% was invested into 255 projects across 58 member nations of the World Banks International Development Association, the IFC makes loans to businesses and private projects generally with maturities of seven to twelve years. It determines a suitable repayment schedule and grace period for each individually to meet borrowers currency

10. Экономика Кении – Kenyas economy is market-based with a few state-owned infrastructure enterprises and maintains a liberalised external trade system. The country is perceived as Eastern and central Africas hub for Financial. Major industries include, agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and minerals, industrial manufacturing, energy, tourism, as of 2015 estimates, Kenya had a GDP of $69.977 billion making it the 72nd largest economy in the world. Per capita GDP was estimated at $1,587, the government of Kenya is generally investment friendly and has enacted several regulatory reforms to simplify both foreign and local investment, including the creation of an export processing zone. The export processing zone is expected to grow rapidly through input of foreign direct investment, an increasingly significant portion of Kenyas foreign inflows are remittances by non-resident Kenyans who work in the US, Middle East, Europe and Asia. Compared to its neighbours, Kenya has well-developed social and physical infrastructure, as of March 2014, economic prospects were positive with above 5% GDP growth expected, largely because of expansions in telecommunications, transport, construction and a recovery in agriculture. These improvements are supported by a pool of English-speaking professional workers. There is a level of computer literacy, especially among the youth. In 2017, Kenya ranked 92nd in the World Bank ease of doing business rating from 113rd in 2016, Gross domestic product grew at an annual average of 6. 6% from 1963 to 1973 and 7. 2% during the 1970s. Agricultural production grew by 4. 7% annually during the period, stimulated by redistributing estates, diffusing new crop strains. Between 1974 and 1990, however, Kenyas economic performance declined, with GDP growth averaging 4. 2% per year in the 1980s and 2. 2% a year in the 1990s. Kenyas inward-looking policy of import substitution and rising oil prices made Kenyas manufacturing sector uncompetitive, the government began a massive intrusion in the private sector. Lack of export incentives, tight controls, and foreign exchange controls made the domestic environment for investment even less attractive. From 1991 to 1993, Kenya had its worst economic performance since independence, Growth in GDP stagnated, and agricultural production shrank at an annual rate of 3. 9%. Inflation reached a record 100% in August 1993, and the budget deficit was over 10% of GDP. As a result of these problems, bilateral and multilateral donors suspended program aid to Kenya in 1991. Throughout these first three decades of independence, Kenyas parastatals, partly from a lack of expertise and endemic corruption, prominent Asian-Kenyan businesspeople include Manu Chandaria and Madatally Manji. In 1993, the Government of Kenya began a program of economic reform


Найробийская фондовая биржа Вики

Найробийская фондовая биржа — рынок ценных бумаг в Найроби, Кения. Биржа была образована в 1954 году как добровольное объединение европейских биржевых маклеров. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг около 60 компаний.

История[ | код]

Первые сделки с ценными бумагами начались еще в 1920-х годах, когда Кения была британской колонией. На тот момент биржи формально не существовало и все сделки совершались по "джентльменскому соглашению" - стороны полагались на честность и добрые намерения друг друга.

В 1951 году агент по сделкам с недвижимостью, Френсис Драммонд, основал первую профессиональную брокерскую контору и убедил министра финансов Кении, сэра Эрнеста Вейси, начать формирование биржи в Восточной Африке. В июле 1953 года они обратились в Лондонскую фондовую биржу и получили согласие на создание Найробийской фондовой биржи как заморской биржи, в каком статусе она была до 1963 года, когда стала независимой вместе со провозглашением независимости Кении, после чего произошло серьезное падение капитализации вследствие неопределенности и неуверенности инвесторов.

В 1988 произошла первая приватизация государственной кенийской компании через Найробийскую биржу - успешное продажа 20%-го пакета государственного Коммерческого Банка Кении.

18 февраля 1994 года индекс биржи из двадцати наиболее крупных эмитентов - NSE 20-Share Index - установил исторический рекорд, достигнув значения 5030 пунктов. Международная финансовая корпорация признала биржу одним из самых перспективных фондовых рынков с более чем 179% ростом. Примерно в то же время количество брокеров на бирже впервые выросло, лицензию получило восемь новых компаний.

Региональная интеграция[ | код]

Найробийская фондовая биржа является членом Ассоциации африканских фондовых бирж, Ассоциации восточно-африканских бирж и Всемирной федерации бирж.

См. также[ | код]

Примечания[ | код]

Ссылки[ | код]


Найробийская фондовая биржа - Howling Pixel

Найробийская фондовая биржа — рынок ценных бумаг в Найроби, Кения. Биржа была образована в 1954 году как добровольное объединение европейских биржевых маклеров. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг около 60 компаний.


Первые сделки с ценными бумагами начались еще в 1920-х годах, когда Кения была британской колонией. На тот момент биржи формально не существовало и все сделки совершались по "джентльменскому соглашению" - стороны полагались на честность и добрые намерения друг друга.

В 1951 году агент по сделкам с недвижимостью, Френсис Драммонд, основал первую профессиональную брокерскую контору и убедил министра финансов Кении, сэра Эрнеста Вейси, начать формирование биржи в Восточной Африке. В июле 1953 года они обратились в Лондонскую фондовую биржу и получили согласие на создание Найробийской фондовой биржи как заморской биржи, в каком статусе она была до 1963 года, когда стала независимой вместе со провозглашением независимости Кении, после чего произошло серьезное падение капитализации вследствие неопределенности и неуверенности инвесторов.

В 1988 произошла первая приватизация государственной кенийской компании через Найробийскую биржу - успешное продажа 20%-го пакета государственного Коммерческого Банка Кении.

18 февраля 1994 года индекс биржи из двадцати наиболее крупных эмитентов - NSE 20-Share Index - установил исторический рекорд, достигнув значения 5030 пунктов. Международная финансовая корпорация признала биржу одним из самых перспективных фондовых рынков с более чем 179% ростом. Примерно в то же время количество брокеров на бирже впервые выросло, лицензию получило восемь новых компаний.

Региональная интеграция

Найробийская фондовая биржа является членом Ассоциации африканских фондовых бирж, Ассоциации восточно-африканских бирж и Всемирной федерации бирж.

См. также


  1. ↑ Equity Statistics (13 апреля 2017). Проверено 17 апреля 2017.


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