Свазилендская фондовая биржа. Свазилендская фондовая биржа
Свазилендская фондовая биржа — Википедия
Свазилендская фондовая биржа | |
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1990 | |
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Услуги по торговле ценными бумагами | |
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Свазилендская фондовая биржа — небольшая фондовая биржа в Мбабане, Свазиленд. Была основана в 1990 году. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг примерно 10 компаний.
См. также
- Компании, имеющие листинг акций на Свазилендской бирже
- Список Африканских фондовых бирж
- Экономика Свазиленда
- Официальный сайт биржи (англ.)
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Свазилендская фондовая биржа Википедия
Свазилендская фондовая биржа | |
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1990 | |
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Финансы | |
Услуги по торговле ценными бумагами | |
Официальный сайт |
Свазилендская фондовая биржа — небольшая фондовая биржа в Мбабане, Свазиленд. Была основана в 1990 году. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг примерно 10 компаний.
См. также
- Компании, имеющие листинг акций на Свазилендской бирже
- Список Африканских фондовых бирж
- Экономика Свазиленда
- Официальный сайт биржи (англ.)
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Свазилендская фондовая биржа - Википедия
Свазилендская фондовая биржа | |
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коммерческая организация | |
1990 | |
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Услуги по торговле ценными бумагами | |
Официальный сайт |
Свазилендская фондовая биржа — небольшая фондовая биржа в Мбабане, Свазиленд. Была основана в 1990 году. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг примерно 10 компаний.
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- Официальный сайт биржи (англ.)
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Свазилендская фондовая биржа - WikiVisually
1. Мбабане – Mbabane is the capital and largest city in Swaziland. With an estimated population of 94,874, it is located on the Mbabane River and it is located in the Hhohho Region, of which it is also the capital. The average elevation of the city is 1243 meters, the population in 1987 was 30,000. The town grew after the administrative centre moved from Bremersdorp in 1902. It derives its name from a Chief, Mbabane Kunene, who lived in the area when British settlers arrived, website www. mbabane. org. sz Mbabanes closest border crossing to South Africa is Ngwenya-Oshoek, and though Swazi is the primary language, English is widespread. Mbabane, and Swaziland itself, depend on tourism and sugar exports and it is also a commercial hub for the surrounding region, while tin and iron were mined nearby. The city has two sites for light industries, Mbabane is the home of the Waterford-Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa, as well as one of the three campuses of the University of Swaziland. Limkowking University of Creative Technology is an international university that lies by the South African-Swaziland border with several university candidates from Swaziland. Indingilizi Gallery is an art gallery in Mbabane, established in 1982 and showcases a range of Swazi art, including sculptures, paintings, batiks, mohair, ethnic jewellery and pottery. Mbabane is located in the district of Hhohho, of which it is also the capital, the average elevation of the city is 1243 meters. Neighbourhoods and suburbs include Mbangweni, Sidwashini, Kent Rock, Sandla, Westridge Park, Malunge, New Checkers, Msunduza, due to its altitude, Mbabane features a moderate subtropical highland climate. The city has a climate and snow is a rare event. The city averages only four days of frost a year, the average temperature is 11 °C in July and 22 °C in January. Mbabane is twinned with, Fort Worth, Texas, USA Taipei, Taiwan Mersing, Malaysia Melilla, Spain Haifa, Israel Maputo, Mozambique Media related to Mbabane at Wikimedia Commons
2. Финансы – Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty, Finance can also be defined as the science of money management. Finance aims to price assets based on their level and their expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub-categories, public finance, corporate finance and personal finance. g, health and property insurance, investing and saving for retirement. Personal finance may also involve paying for a loan, or debt obligations, net worth is a persons balance sheet, calculated by adding up all assets under that persons control, minus all liabilities of the household, at one point in time. Household cash flow totals up all the sources of income within a year. From this analysis, the financial planner can determine to what degree, adequate protection, the analysis of how to protect a household from unforeseen risks. These risks can be divided into the following, liability, property, death, disability, health, some of these risks may be self-insurable, while most will require the purchase of an insurance contract. Determining how much insurance to get, at the most cost effective terms requires knowledge of the market for personal insurance, business owners, professionals, athletes and entertainers require specialized insurance professionals to adequately protect themselves. Since insurance also enjoys some tax benefits, utilizing insurance investment products may be a piece of the overall investment planning. Tax planning, typically the income tax is the single largest expense in a household, managing taxes is not a question of if you will pay taxes, but when and how much. Government gives many incentives in the form of tax deductions and credits, most modern governments use a progressive tax. Typically, as ones income grows, a marginal rate of tax must be paid. Understanding how to take advantage of the tax breaks when planning ones personal finances can make a significant impact in which it can later save you money in the long term. Investment and accumulation goals, planning how to accumulate enough money - for large purchases, major reasons to accumulate assets include, purchasing a house or car, starting a business, paying for education expenses, and saving for retirement. Achieving these goals requires projecting what they will cost, and when you need to withdraw funds that will be necessary to be able to achieve these goals, a major risk to the household in achieving their accumulation goal is the rate of price increases over time, or inflation. Using net present value calculators, the planner will suggest a combination of asset earmarking. In order to overcome the rate of inflation, the investment portfolio has to get a higher rate of return, managing these portfolio risks is most often accomplished using asset allocation, which seeks to diversify investment risk and opportunity
3. Фондовая биржа – A stock exchange or bourse is an exchange where stock brokers and traders can buy and/or sell stocks, bonds, and other securities. Stock exchanges may also provide facilities for issue and redemption of securities and other financial instruments, Securities traded on a stock exchange include stock issued by listed companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled investment products and bonds. Stock exchanges often function as continuous auction markets, with buyers and sellers consummating transactions at a central location, to be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it must be listed there. Trade on an exchange is restricted to brokers who are members of the exchange, the initial public offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market, supply and demand in stock markets are driven by various factors that, as in all free markets, affect the price of stocks. There is usually no obligation for stock to be issued via the exchange itself. Such trading may be off exchange or over-the-counter and this is the usual way that derivatives and bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a securities market. The idea of debt dates back to the ancient world, as evidenced for example by ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets recording interest-bearing loans, there is little consensus among scholars as to when corporate stock was first traded. Some see the key event as the Dutch East India Companys founding in 1602, economist Ulrike Malmendier of the University of California at Berkeley argues that a share market existed as far back as ancient Rome. One such service was the feeding of geese on the Capitoline Hill as a reward to the birds after their honking warned of a Gallic invasion in 390 B. C. Participants in such organizations had partes or shares, a concept mentioned various times by the statesman, in one speech, Cicero mentions shares that had a very high price at the time. Such evidence, in Malmendiers view, suggests the instruments were tradable, the societas declined into obscurity in the time of the emperors, as most of their services were taken over by direct agents of the state. Tradable bonds as a used type of security were a more recent innovation, spearheaded by the Italian city-states of the late medieval. While the Italian city-states produced the first transferable government bonds, they did not develop the other ingredient necessary to produce a fully fledged capital market, the Dutch East India Company became the first company to offer shares of stock. Control of the company was held tightly by its directors, with shareholders not having much influence on management or even access to the companys accounting statements. However, shareholders were rewarded well for their investment, the company paid an average dividend of over 16 percent per year from 1602 to 1650. Financial innovation in Amsterdam took many forms, by the 1620s, the company was expanding its securities issuance with the first use of corporate bonds
4. Свазиленд – Swaziland, officially the Kingdom of Eswatini, is a sovereign state in Southern Africa. It is neighboured by Mozambique to its northeast and by South Africa to its north, west and south, the country and its people take their names from Mswati II, the 19th-century king under whose rule Swazi territory was expanded and unified. At no more than 200 kilometres north to south and 130 kilometres east to west, despite its size, its climate and topography are diverse, ranging from a cool and mountainous highveld to a hot and dry lowveld. The population is primarily ethnic Swazis whose language is Swati and they established their kingdom in the mid-18th century under the leadership of Ngwane III, the present boundaries were drawn up in 1881. After the Anglo-Boer War, Swaziland was a British protectorate from 1903 until 1967 and it regained its independence on 6 September 1968. The country is a monarchy, ruled by iNgwenyamaiNgwenyama Mswati III since 1986. He is head of state and appoints the prime ministers. Elections are held five years to determine the House of Assembly majority. The current constitution was adopted in 2005, Swaziland is a developing country with a small economy. Its GDP per capita of $9,714 means it is classified as a country with a lower-middle income, as a member of the Southern African Customs Union and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, its main local trading partner is South Africa. Swazilands currency, the lilangeni, is pegged to the South African rand, Swazilands major overseas trading partners are the United States and the European Union. The majority of the employment is provided by its agricultural. Swaziland is a member of the Southern African Development Community, the African Union, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Swazi population faces major health issues, HIV/AIDS and, to a lesser extent, tuberculosis are serious challenges. As of 2013, Swaziland has a life expectancy of 50 years. The population of Swaziland is fairly young with an age of 20.5 years. The present population growth rate is 1. 195%, Swaziland is well known for its culture. Umhlanga, held in August/September and incwala, the kingship dance held in December/January, are the nations most important events, artifacts indicating human activity dating back to the early Stone Age, around 200,000 years ago, have been found in the Kingdom of Swaziland. Prehistoric rock art paintings date from c.25,000 BC, the earliest known inhabitants of the region were Khoisan hunter-gatherers
5. Экономика – An economy is an area of the production, distribution, or trade, and consumption of goods and services by different agents in a given geographical location. Economic agents can be individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments, Economic transactions occur when two parties agree to the value or price of the transacted good or service, commonly expressed in a certain currency. Monetary transactions only account for a part of the economic domain. Economic activity is spurred by production which uses resources, labor. It has changed over time due to technology, innovation such as that which produces intellectual property and these factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions. In other words, the domain is a social domain of human practices. A command-based economy is where political agents directly control what is produced and how it is sold, a green economy is low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive. Today the range of fields of the examining the economy revolve around the social science of economics, but may include sociology, history, anthropology. All professions, occupations, economic agents or economic activities, contribute to the economy, consumption, saving, and investment are variable components in the economy that determine macroeconomic equilibrium. There are three sectors of economic activity, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Alternate and long-standing terminology distinguishes measures of an economy expressed in real values, such as real GDP, the English words economy and economics can be traced back to the Greek word οἰκονόμος, a composite word derived from οἶκος and νέμω by way of οἰκονομία. The first recorded sense of the economy is in the phrase the management of œconomic affairs. Economy is later recorded in more senses, including thrift. The most frequently used current sense, denoting the system of a country or an area. As long as someone has been making, supplying and distributing goods or services, there has some sort of economy, economies grew larger as societies grew. The Babylonians and their city state neighbors developed forms of economics comparable to currently used civil society concepts and they developed the first known codified legal and administrative systems, complete with courts, jails, and government records. The ancient economy was based on subsistence farming. The Shekel referred to an ancient unit of weight and currency, the first usage of the term came from Mesopotamia circa 3000 BC. and referred to a specific mass of barley which related other values in a metric such as silver, bronze, copper etc
Свазилендская фондовая биржа — Википедия (с комментариями)
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Свазилендская фондовая биржа | |
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1990 | |
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Услуги по торговле ценными бумагами | |
[www.ssx.org.sz/ Официальный сайт] |
Свазилендская фондовая биржа — небольшая фондовая биржа в Мбабане, Свазиленд. Была основана в 1990 году. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг примерно 10 компаний.
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Напишите отзыв о статье "Свазилендская фондовая биржа"
- [www.ssx.org.sz/ Официальный сайт биржи] (англ.)
Отрывок, характеризующий Свазилендская фондовая биржа
– J'espere, que vous ne direz plus qu'on s'ennuie chez moi, [Надеюсь, вы не скажете другой раз, что у меня скучают,] – и взглянула на Элен. Элен улыбнулась с таким видом, который говорил, что она не допускала возможности, чтобы кто либо мог видеть ее и не быть восхищенным. Тетушка прокашлялась, проглотила слюни и по французски сказала, что она очень рада видеть Элен; потом обратилась к Пьеру с тем же приветствием и с той же миной. В середине скучливого и спотыкающегося разговора Элен оглянулась на Пьера и улыбнулась ему той улыбкой, ясной, красивой, которой она улыбалась всем. Пьер так привык к этой улыбке, так мало она выражала для него, что он не обратил на нее никакого внимания. Тетушка говорила в это время о коллекции табакерок, которая была у покойного отца Пьера, графа Безухого, и показала свою табакерку. Княжна Элен попросила посмотреть портрет мужа тетушки, который был сделан на этой табакерке. – Это, верно, делано Винесом, – сказал Пьер, называя известного миниатюриста, нагибаясь к столу, чтоб взять в руки табакерку, и прислушиваясь к разговору за другим столом.wiki-org.ru
Свазилендская фондовая биржа Вики
Свазилендская фондовая биржа | |
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1990 | |
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Финансы | |
Услуги по торговле ценными бумагами | |
Официальный сайт |
Свазилендская фондовая биржа — небольшая фондовая биржа в Мбабане, Свазиленд. Была основана в 1990 году. В настоящее время на бирже имеют листинг примерно 10 компаний.
См. также[ | код]
- Компании, имеющие листинг акций на Свазилендской бирже
- Список Африканских фондовых бирж
- Экономика Свазиленда
Ссылки[ | код]
- Официальный сайт биржи (англ.)
![]() | Это заготовка статьи по экономике. Вы можете помочь проекту, дополнив её. |
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